The following diagram describes how our integration works in terms of policy creation with partners and insurers:policy creation flow

  1. Partner hits the API to create a new quote along with a new policy in the Qoala system.
  2. Qoala responds with policy information, including quotation number, policy number, and policy certificate details.
  3. We can communicate with the insurance system if needed.
  4. Only if we communicate with insurance, we will obtain the insurance number and include it as part of the policy information.
  5. Partners can use our activation API to activate policies if necessary.
  6. Qoala will respond with policy activation details.

Policy Status Codes:

Status CodePolicy Status (Subject)Description
POLICY_WAITING_PAYMENTPolicy Waiting PaymentThe policy is still awaiting payment from the partner.
ISSUING_POLICYIssuing PolicyThe policy is in the process of issuance by Qoala or the partner's insurance.
POLICY_ACTIVEPolicy ActiveThe policy is currently active.
POLICY_REJECTED_INSURANCERejected by InsuranceThe policy issuance has been rejected by Qoala.
POLICY_CANCELLEDPolicy CancelledThe policy has been cancelled (for partner-specific reasons).

Note: The above status codes are subject to change based on specific business rules and requirements.

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!